JP Elliott is a People and Talent Leader, and the Host of the Future of HR Podcast. With a career spanning 2 decades of talent and HR leadership roles, JP has both passion and expertise in understanding how talent plays a critical role in business strategy and value creation within an organization.
During our conversation, JP spoke about his perspectives on the importance and opportunities in using talent in a strategic way in today’s world of work. JP also shared his perspective on key talent foundations and his own experiences around talent philosophies, investing in critical roles, and the importance of investing in high performers and high potential talent.
JP also shared some of his own lessons and learnings from speaking with dozens of senior HR and people leaders on his own podcast, and his own advice on how HR leaders can lead in shaping the future of work.
Listen today on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
- JP’s LinkedIn:
- The Future of HR Podcast:
- The Athletic Article on the San Francisco 49’ers: